I tell ya, dropping the needle on this bad boy made me fe fucking Alive. I have always love this record, and when I sold off everything, this was one of the last pieces to go. (and as soon as this was over I put on the everlasting EP and then The Shape of Punk to come. It was awesome!)
It's kinda funny, everyone raves so hard about The Shape of Punk to come (which is a piece of pure genius, please don't think for a second that I don't think so), but for a hard core record, this is where my money lays.
I put this on last night and as soon as Rather Be Dead started, I had to stop myself from chucking a study mosh. So fucking simple yet so fucking awesome!
I got this copy on eBay, at around the $30 mark. I have seen it go for a lot more, but the description on this one made it sound pretty beat up. It was listed as having rind wear, which is does, and listed as having damage to one of the corners, which it does not. To be honest I just wanted a copy to listen to as it had been that long since I had it on LP that I didn't really care that much.
The covers are pretty flimsy anyway. Mid 90's Victory records, what do you expect really?
I always liked how simple the layout of this record was. The band photo on the back is classic. Dennis with blonde hair still trips me out, and then the silver shirt he wore in the Rather be Dead video. Mondo bizarro.
The only thing that is a bit weird about the format of the songs is that "it's not ok" is on one side and "Crusader of hopelessness" is on thestary of side b. I always thought one was an intro to the other. Having said that, it might have been in Victorys infinite wisdom that this occured...
All round, one of my fav records, back on my collection. This'll do until I find a better copy, or it gets a well deserved and long overdue re-issue. I'm sure there's money to be made...
How I Feel
10 hours ago
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